Carrie's events so far for 2024

2024 speaking engagements have included company-wide presentations hosted by ERGs of ManuLife and the Sask. Pen about inclusion in the workplace, and a Keynote at the Wild Rose School Division Support Staff Conference on their important role in a student’s journey to success.

In 2023, Carri spoke at events for the Public Service Commission including a Kick-Off Keynote for the FedStart Accessibility initiative, and Natural Resources Canada. Other fabulous keynotes to Equity events were BMO Radicle Group (Americas Region), Ontario Power Gen, and Canadian Western Bank.

Events in 2022 included a 3 day emcee role at the 10th Pan Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning. Carrie was keynote for National Public Service Week and Equity events for the Western PSC and a presentation at Heritage Canada. An Accessibility Legal Landscape PD day for legal professionals in Ontario and a SET-BC assistive technology conference keynote.


2021 events at a glance had Carrie speak at Edmonton’s IDPD celebration, be a United Way Capital Region keynote, Alberta Works Vocational Counsellor assistive tech training, and open the SEA Student Showcase for Halton Catholic School Div. Presentations ranged from accessibility law, assistive technology, and her road to the podium and beyond.


Emcee 10th Pan Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning

Sept. 12-14, 2022
Calgary, Alberta

"Hi Carrie, I just wanted to extend a heartfelt thank you for your work at PCF10. You made a big impact on the event and I just loved to see how much you enjoyed the work and the way you leaned into the overall conference, attending sessions, mingling with delegates and making connections. It was so great working with you, you did an amazing job and adapted to the many changes thrown your way with such short turn around times. Thank you for everything and hopefully we will get to work together again." - Event Coordinator

Keynote - 2022 National Public Service Week, "Making the World a Better Place"

June 16, 2022 Virtual

"The theme of the week was "A sense of unity, appreciation, empathy." We were
particularly grateful to have you spend time with us, because your message so perfectly illustrates why these themes are so important. You outlined for us the importance of accessibility to ensure everyone has equal opportunities for success. Further, your personal story was an inspiration to overcome obstacles and create a positive change. We had over 200 participants join the session. People have taken the time to write to us personally after the event to tell me how moved they were. One comment in particular seemed to sum it up: "Carrie's gentle way of sharing her life experience, her triumphs and hurdles, and sharing ways we can help make this world more accessible was the best hour of my day. Thanks for sharing this session with us and thank you to Carrie for sharing her story!" - Canadian Heritage

Interested in having me speak?